• You can load an unlimited number of documents with a single click and structure your documentation to suit your needs (buildings, asset portfolios, regulatory documents, technical diagnostics).
  • When transferring real estate projects, the Questions & Answers module helps the seller disseminate clear and accurate information to various investors and to save in terms of accuracy and time. Asset managers, real estate specialists and lawyers find the dataroom a simple and efficient process that ensures security and partitioning throughout the transfer process.
  • You control user activity in the dataroom and you can focus on the parties most interested in the deal using real-time statistical reports.

Our support team assists you at each and every step

Free yourself from document management. Our technical consultants will accompany your project 24/7.

  • What types of documents can be loaded into the dataroom?

    All types of documents. The viewer that enables document viewing online works primarily with PDF documents, but also accepts Word, Excel and PowerPoint formats, as well as images. Any other document type can be opened by downloading the file to the user’s computer

    Dataroom scroll page
  • How can user activity be tracked in the dataroom?

    The dataroom administrator has real-time access at any time to the various activity reports: user access, document viewing, etc.

    Dataroom scroll page
  • How long does it take to start up a dataroom?

    Our teams load your directory structure and create the access rights. In less than two hours, your dataroom is operational and accessible to users at all times

    Dataroom scroll page
  • Is exporting the contents of the dataroom included in the service?

    We usually export the contents of the dataroom upon request, at the end of the project by burning to DVD or via MFT (secure Internet connection).

    Dataroom scroll page
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